
Daintree QLD


September 14

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Living in the nature ....... gathering plant materials ...... growing food ....... playing music ...... building bamboo shelter

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The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?

Full time raw food community would be luvly ...... Fruitopia all year round ???????????

The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:


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  • <3 <3 <3 awesome to finally meet you durian lover :)

  • Hey Jesse, I'm back in Indo, thinking about checking out Sumatra in a couple weeks. Will you be around, atau apa saya bisa datang di tempat mu kalo kamu tidak ada? aku sangat tertarik lihat tani permaculture mu. terimakasih. 0822 3660 8851

  • Thanks for the add, Jesse.  You live in a stunning part of OZ.  Hope to go there someday.

  • Hi, I think I will move the other way at some point. I think Asia is much better for living on fruits, I believe.
    The coastal coconut belt has dry, depleted, sandy soil. Nothing that you would like for planting fruit trees. The closer to the equator you move the drier the land is. The soil and ecosystem has been damaged so badly that the rain season water is not retained in plants and soil and in summer everything is dry. Even water wells dry out. Of course it is possible to find some spots of land close to rivers but moving north it becomes harder and harder.
    In the state of RJ on the other hand there is more water anyone needs. Enough to drink, irrigate plants, create hydroelectric power. The problem is that it is too cold in winter. Temperatures on the coast drop below 10 degrees Celsius at night. Paired with sea spray not too many things grow on the coast. For example forget about mangoes. But if you move inland you should have better results although it may get even colder in winter. But perhaps someone who knows how to grow fruits can handle the conditions. I do not know much about it.
    Send me a PM if you want to know about fruits and their quality and availability.

  • Hi Jesse,
    You mean you and a group of friends want to move to Brazil from Australia? Hmmm... Quite interesting choice :) Paraty is in RJ state and from RJ down south there are no coconut plantations on the coast. Too cold in winter. States like Espirito Santo, Bahia (that is where I am right now) and north do have coconut plantations. Why do you need to be in the coconut belt?

  • Wow, sounds like you're living the dream... :) I pretty much want to be doing what you're doing! Like so many other raw vegans, i've been wanting to find some land somewhere and be growing all my own fruit and everything, it seems like it keeps getting put back somehow though, so I guess i just need to jump in there and start doing it. I've kinda given up on the idea of buying land in Oz, cause as you say its just a trap really, and I've had enough of slaving away just to get by. I'd heard of people doing similar things to you in Hawaii, living on others people land and growing trees and stuff there, and I had wondered if it might be possible to do it over here as well, so now I know it is! I'd love to hear a bit more about how you manage your lifestyle... I guess you have at least a bit of an income? Do you find small jobs here and there to get enough to get by, or what?

  • Hey there! :) Thanks for the add!

  • Yeah I'm super happy Right now! Mango Season in S. Fla. Where I'm currently living.. I'm grateful for the Mangoes! :))

  • Heya, yeah i made it to the eclipse festival, it was amazing. The only problem was there was too much good stuff! I wanted to stay awake the whole time and be everywhere at once haha... It looks like you have an interesting life.. Do you have a kindof homebase somewhere, or do you mostly travel around. I'm currently in Perth, but dreaming of being back in the tropics...

  • Hey I sent you a msg :)

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