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  • Hi Karen - hope you're well. I just read the post you left last september about your iodine supplementation - I was wondering if you are still supplementing and at what dosage? Did the positive effects of taking the iodine continue or did they wear off? Best, Nathan.

  • Karen,  I've just read your comments on Karen's Page and studied your pictures.  How did you get so thin?  How did you get such big muscles?  I empathize with your spiritual search, but the web site you suggested to me shows that the guy is looking for money.  I'm very leary of that.  I think that means that what he says is for money; it may not be "Truth."

    I've recently tried AA, OA and alanon for my spiritual approach.  AA recommends that "anonymity is a spiritual foundation of our group.  I am anonymous because I believe that allows Lee Mack, retired on social security, to talk with all kinds of people without age, gender, status, or "social position" getting in the way.

    I'm trying to build a group of supportive friends to help me do this thing.  I'm facing some obesity-related, chronic, degenerative diseases that could get serious in the next few years, if I can't find a way to lose weight, bring my cholesterol, glucose level and blood pressure down.  I also have sleep apnea--which means that I don't get rejuvenative sleep.  My hormones, enzymes, metabolism, etc get messed up, and I have a harder row to hoe than most people.

    I'm starting again, as of 6/12/12.  Today is Day 3.  I'm about 90 % raw, I suppose, because I had 2 cups of coffee (with non-dairy creamer), and a non-raw stir-fry sauce on my veggies.  Those are "no-no's," but I'm thinking that progress, not perfection is better than being too strict and having a total relapse.

    What is your secret?


  • Welcome to 30BAD!:)

    Please feel free to take the Banana Wagon Tour:

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