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  • very nice profile, nicely written, i am also a guitar player after i started this diet.

  • That sounds really cool. I'll see if I can make it and let you know.

  • The internet is great! It's gettin a little chilly in CT too, but I think you got it a little worse. I'm doin ok, I actually got sick after the festival so I'm still dealing with that. Too much dancing, not enough sleeping!

    Maybe you can fly south for the winter like birds do

  • Hi Melanie, I'm moving on saturday and Pom and Val are coming to lend a hand! You can come if you want if you're not working! (I'm supplying the mangoes and smoothies!):) Otherwise I hope you have a good weekend, and i'll keep you posted on what happens on sunday!

  • Hey! Yes I do indeed play drums. I see you play cello and guitar, very cool! :) I play some guitar as well, and the cello is such a beautiful sounding instrument! Do you play in a band?

  • Hi. Thanks, that was good for me. Aloe Vera is doing it. Have a nice day. M
  • Hey melanie!! sorry i didn't respond earlier... i've been out of town but I'm returning this wednesday to montreal.   it'd be great to meet up!! i've been exchanging messages with others and it seems there's quite a few of us  which is comforting :)

    i even met pau and his wife who i see you've said hello to :)

    people were talking about meeting up soon so hopefully that will happen.  which area do you live? i'm in mile end, if you're close then we should get together really soon!!!


    take care,


  • Well, we went to Gaetan Bono yesterday too! But we usually go once or twice per week.


    Have a great Christmas you too :)

  • Hi Melanie!


    Yes, unfortunately, have to stay here all winter. I really wish I could somewhere south for a few months!


    Meeting at Gaétan Bono would be great, whenever you like. Just let me know when you go and maybe my wife and I need to go that day too :)

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