Patty posted a discussion
Jul 30, 2011
Patty posted a discussion
Jul 29, 2011
Patty posted a discussion
Apr 25, 2010
Patty posted a discussion
Jan 27, 2010
Patty posted a discussion
Jun 22, 2009

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  • I've been in Korea for almost 2 years now. Too bad we never met. It's definitely hard finding other HCRV around here. Meat is very deeply ingrained in the culture as I'm sure you know.. I hope all is well stateside!

  • That's awesome, you will love it here! In what area/neighborhood will you be living?

  • Hey Patty! :) Yes, I just moved to Korea from Hawaii! I'm staying in Ilsan, 1 hr away from Seoul. Are you working in Seoul?

  • Namaste Patty,
    Thank you for sharing your experience. Your comment is not too long at all, I enjoyed reading every bit of it. I think you just intuitively know that the person you were about to write to can relate very well to what you are going through. I totally can relate to your experience right there in the US. I work at a popular pizza place here in Seattle, and after almost 2 years, some of the same co-workers still gives me weird looks for being a vegan and not eating pizza, and especially now for being a raw vegan (not 100%). Oh my god, "How many bananas do you eat in day?" "What thats crazy!" they will say.
    Most of the time, I will just laugh and tell them to eat some as well!! :)

    I think that people who are attracted to raw foods and teachings like yoga are not only more ethically health conscience, but are usually very attracted to understanding "The Self" and One's true connection with Nature or even the entire cosmos.

    The practice of yoga have helped me to accept my differences between myself and others. I have very good relationships with the people that I work with (we really do enjoy each others company at work) but rarely ever hang out outside of work, nor do I have the urge to. Walking a true spiritual path can often feel a bit lonely at first, but being a "somewhat" of a social outcast preps one for spiritual bliss and evolution!

    Listening to you describe what you are going through in SK and still keeping up with your determination to being a vegan makes me so proud of you!! :) I bet if we ever did meet, we will probably go on about yoga and life experiences for hours!
    Well take care Dear One....
  • Dear Raw Yogini Patty Ann, :)
    How is your 80 10 10 lifestyle keeping up Seoul Korea? Are you teaching English over there?
  • Hey Patty Ann.
    I studied two years with my teacher in Denmark, at her yoga centre. and then I studied with my teacher in India 1 month out of both years, plus when he came to Denmark.
    and now im certified from both teachers.

    For me, I find it really important to take the time out and study yoga fully.
    Im not to say how it works for other people, but there's a huge personal growth involved with studying yoga and growing into yourself as a teacher and I think there's a big difference in just taking a one month teacher training and taking several years.
    Although it is a life process either way.

    I wouldnt have been without all this time, a lot happened over these two years. and it was amazing to have all that time to fully emerge into yoga and my inner heart space.

    but the journey and path is your own, so be open to what works for you.

    follow your bliss!
    love indigo-moon
  • soo nice to hear! yeah I would think it would be part of the cultural experience to dine with the people you're staying with and everything!... i hope to have some traveling experiences as well, you're an inspiration for doing that~
    tinah (crystalAura)
  • Omgoodness you live in Seoul? That's awesome! My parents came from there but I've never been. It's really cool to meet you. Hope you're enjoying it!
  • Thanks! Yeah, surfing is awesome :)
  • My pleasure! Im so glad you made it! Feel free to share your journey in intro's and take a moment and post in the forum :-))
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