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  • Thanks for adding me.  I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you.  I'm going 100% Vegan.  I just started a couple days ago.  I've been good so far, except I forgot to soak my nuts before I ate them, but I took some probiotics. (Is that too Vegan of me to say?)

  • 'gaining health and fitness and having lots of fun whilst overcoming challenges' would be a better name. ;)


  • hi-there.jpg


    Nice to have you on 30B and as part of the AZ group, LW :)

    That's a remarkable story of weight released and health regained already you described.  I look forward to your future journey!

  • Welcome to 30 Bananas A Day!

    For a bird's eye view of 30 Bananas a Day, inspiration, and a jump start to your diet, you might like the 30BaD Banana Wagon Tour:

    Peace, PK

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