diane west posted a discussion
Jan 22, 2010

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  • How are you? I am in NY too and vegan as well. Connect with me on IG as rawveganlifter and on Twitter as rawveganathlete. Also my youtube channel at 


    Ramona Cadogan
    I have been vegan since 2006 and been off meat since 2000. I became a vegan because of the animals. I am a vegan Olympic weightlifter that offers per…
  • Thanks Diane!  I already love it here!  This really is like a family :)  It's so nice to be able to connect with people who understand!  I mean, even my own biological family (whom I adore) doesn't quite really understand.  They just smile and tell me they are happy that I'm finding answers for my health....but I don't think they'd ever embrace this lifestyle for themselves!

  • Hey Thanks for Adding me, Diane! My Youtube channel will be my blog, or Vlog as some would call it. Blessings, and take care :)
  • You're very welcome, Diane! Happy to help.

    I definitely want to know how it works out for you.

    Thank you for your kind words...that's so sweet. :0)


  • Hi Diane,

    I definitely knew I had them because my husband & my mom had been diagnosed with them about 6 months before me & when my health & vitality went from over the top fantastic to feeling tired and having similar symptoms as them plus headaches, body odor, blurry vision, irritability and serious digestive issues of constipation/diarrhea and horrible bloating, I just knew.

    Our friend who is a chiropractor/sports injury specialist & very into alternative but proven health therapies is the one who issued our tests. If you contact Metametrix, they can help you find a doctor near you to issue you the test.

    I still wear the zapper now, as a precaution because I still feel I'm susceptible to being reinfected but I would say I felt they were completely gone after 4 or 6 weeks of wearing it 24/7.

    The zapper co. www.worldwithoutparasites.com says that it helps to eradicate all viruses, so I would imagine it would help. I haven't seen any of my family members, that used the zapper, who usually breakout with cold sores on their face, have a breakout since using a zapper. However, if you've been lfrv for a while, I would imagine your body would naturally heal itself and you would no longer have breakouts. :0)

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! XO


  • Thank you so much, Diane! ♥ To answer your question, I spent YEARS trying to be 100% "raw." You know, the usual peanut butter smoothies and such. It has been a long process but once I figured out that fruit is THE correct food for humans, it was pretty easy to leave all the other stuff behind. It took a while to adjust to how much and sourcing good fruit, but I started feeling loads better right away. I've been on all fruit now for over 4 years. It is such an easy way to live! Hey, I love your hair! : )
  • Hey I just wanted to say thanks for the comments that you left on anne loves summer blog. She was banned, but appreciates your kind words.
  • Awesome! You can do it! No luck required just ripe fruit and a plan XX
  • I would just mono on fruit for a while, you will be fine, better than fine -great!
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