rawkbobster's Discussions (3)

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Making A Pizza

Hello people of the fruits

I was trying to make a pizza-esque potato based bake in the oven. Can you make suggestions for it to be more worthy of holding together like a pizza slice?

I grated 6 potatoes, 2 onions, 1/2 cup spelt flour, tablespoon of bak

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30 day help line

Hello 30 bad folks

Despite trying hard to be 80/10/10 ... I get up fall down, get up fall down.

Something about not having much sleep, plus a baby, plus having to cook non vegan for others and maybe most importantly not having someone to compare myself

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buy graham's book or steal it?

hello 30 bad people. here in canada there is a 80/10/10 page on Facebook. recently someone asked how to get a copy of the book used or free. someone else told them it is available as a torrent on pirate bay. i thought it strange that the same folks p

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