This is a safe place for those who really, really, REALLY want to succeed in a LFRV lifestyle but the journey is just a little harder for us. We want to get there…we need to get there…and we WILL get there! Through support and encouragement and empathy, we can come here and share our struggles, scrutinize why we sometimes fall, get what we need to pick ourselves back up again, and have a cheerleading section who has our back every step of the way.

No one here is giving up! We know and understand and believe on every level that this is the path we need to be on to get the results we're after. But personal demons challenge us and we can't always see past the illusion. If we end up making poor choices, this is where we come to confess, analyze and get the motivation through the help of others to dust ourselves off and commit again, a little stronger each time.

Some of us are here with valid overeater/binge demons. Others of us have other types of mental/emotional disadvantages. For anyone here, there is a struggle involved.

What's amazing about the folks in this group is that we really believe in this path and are determined to get there. We haven't given up, we're not quitting! We just really need this support group and each other.

Because this is a safe haven for "struggling with the struggle," we want group members to feel safe. Please keep comments inspirational and kind. The LFRV community really needs the voice of those who made it despite the odds!

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  • Pretty shallow, Jay, no matter how many times I read it.

  • Good luck looking in OA for a spiritual partner!  I've never met anyone but control frieks in OA, myself.  Maybe I'm going to the wrong meetings!

    What I try to do is work out my own program.  Write my own Big Book.  Design my own recovery.

    Sometimes Reality is not "gentle and therapeutic."  Sometimes it is "life and death"!  Sometimes it is "do or die."  Haven't you every experienced that?

  • I think it takes more than just supplying the body with proper nutrition.  I think the problem is mental, physical and spiritual.  I think diet, exercise, sleep, and social support are all necessary to achieve this peace of mind you speak about, Jay.  In fact, I believe that we must also pursue Truth, obey the laws and be in touch with Reality.  We must have a Higher Power.

    It's more than nutrition, ole buddy.

  • any recovered compulsive overeaters who can be my partner in crime? looking for a fellow to walk through this beautiful life with, that I can share my beautiful low fat vegan lifestyle with :-). I often feel conflicted in OA because I eat very large quantities, believe high fat, high protein, animal products and high salt is much worse than sugar or carbs, and believe a lot of problems in our being could be caused by: helping Gods kids and Getting more good carbs :-) (many many fellows would never say eating was a solution!). thank u, Lauren ^_^
  • Hi so glad this group is up. In the two years I've known about this lifestyle I have only managed one full week of being fully committed!! FYI that week was a great week. I hope to be more committed and I hope we can all help each other I do find it really hard at times and don't know why
  • Hello

    I am still finding it really hard to transition from bulimia to HCRV, any advice that is gentler and more therapeutic?

    Anything appreciated!!


  • Hi I'm new
    I have had my first Food Addicts meeting today and got a sponsor who is vegan SOS fee but not raw. Still she is amazing. I would like to know if there are actual meetings by group Skype you can attend from this group here?
    And are the 12 steps you go trough here or are they same as to FA and OA?
    I wanna continue my abstinence and stay raw 811 as I know this is the lifestyle I thrive on. Although I'm still scared.
    I'm so happy this group exists. That and seeing others succeed gives me hope.
  • New or HCRV also. Have almost 3 months under my belt and still going strong. Yes it's hard sometimes, cooking for others and seeing all the things that used to be so " inviting" to me, to say the least!! One thing that keeps me going? I FEEL good and every day I feel better!! No one and nothing is going to force me back into a lifestyle that make me sick, literally. So when I watch everyone eating all the yummy "poison", I smile inside and know, that for today, I'm staying healthy, no matter what :)
  • Definitly related. This video might be of some help

    But I am not sure how much 80 10 10 or natural hygiene can actually help with trauma work or better how deep it can go. Still working on that one. But there are a lot of things that can be done additionally like EMDR, Holotropic Breathwork, Peakstates, ... you could look into. Seeing your husband die, working a strenuous job, ... dealing with all that alone is a lot, but there is also a lot that can be done to break a vicious circle and turn it into a virtuous circle. Glad to read you are making progress :)

    Wanted to write sooner but my life is more or less a permanent spiritual emergence, so stuff like this can take a while

  • Happy note... losing weight... doing 100 squats a day w/ my daughter...   paying off my debt... adding more fruit... decluttering my mind and body....      Does anyone else believe that it's all related?   ---    clutter of the mind leads to clutter of the body or home--maybe it's the other way around- a vicious cycle  

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Now About Health

I go to twelve-step meetings.  One is AA.  Another is OA.  Alanon is also good.  However, they all seem to be locked in to the idea that it's okay to eat SAD, as long as I don't drink alcohol!  This idea is explained on page 133 of Alcoholics Anonymous in a paragraph that starts with, "Now about health...."As I understand this paragraph, it recommends that an alcoholic, "...carry chocolate, rely on sweets, coffee, cigarettes...." as a substitute whenever s/he has a craving for alcohol.  This…

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1 Reply

Now About Health

I go to twelve-step meetings.  One is AA.  Another is OA.  Alanon is also good.  However, they all seem to be locked in to the idea that it's okay to eat SAD, as long as I don't drink alcohol!  This idea is explained on page 133 of Alcoholics Anonymous in a paragraph that starts with, "Now about health...."As I understand this paragraph, it recommends that an alcoholic, "...carry chocolate, rely on sweets, coffee, cigarettes...." as a substitute whenever s/he has a craving for alcohol.  This…

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The Mother of all Elimination Diets (TMED)

My name is Mack, and I'm an alcoholic.  My last drink was 7/24/14, so my sobriety date is 7/25/14.  My last SAD binge was 8/6/14, so my abstinence date is 8/7/14. I feel that AA is the ideal approach to alcohol addiction and I went to a very good AA meeting this morning.  However, I am having lots and lots of trouble being a 100% LFRV in AA because the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (AABB) recommends that an alcoholic, "...carry chocolate at all times...and depend upon…

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how to get over the guilt

Hey guys so I've decided to take on this life style about 2 weeks ago and it been pretty up until tonight. I'm a swimmer on my high school team so for 2 1/2 hours after school I swim, and when I got home I had one of those "I'm going to eat the world!" moments. Everything was fine I was just ate a ton of bananas, blue berries, and apples. Then after I ate all those things for some reason I was still so hungry and I ate some ice cream, I don't know why I ate it but it was like all I could think…

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