For anyone not interested in paying a sales tax on all their fruit. ;)
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  • I've researched many dating sites, and for its many search capabilities and free communication, I say the best dating site in the whole world for anarchists who happen to choose the raw vegan or fruitarians lifestyle is (free to communicate too!)

    May be interesting for people in Europa, Stefan Molyneux is doing a meet-up thing in Amsterdam. I got some sleeping nice places at my house for fruitheads that want to stay near Rotterdam. Cheers.

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  • well yes that looks good. We would have to change the jail systems cos to my understanding one becomes more criminal after having gone through most of them than before. Esp. no drugs, big huge space to look out to like in some field or so, not some confined box, proper food, no tv, and work so that they can somehow repair the damage they've done. cos otherwise the usual prison would give them more reasons to hate and go nuts. There does not seem to be end on how deep down a criminal can go to.

    ps. so you got out of the system?? How and where? Did you just de-register or what?

  • It's always a celebration when a protector of pedophiles dies. A bit convenient it was NOW though... just when pressure was heating up for the old criminal.

  • Pacificus, sadly myself no... wish I could be tho :)

  • Haha heloise, yeah I don't think they would opt for the people option either... usually when these things get over turned they end up hanging from lamposts like what happened to Musolini with old ladies beating their dead bodies with sticks and spitting on them and such.... but you know what this actually raises very interesting questions. First of all in a libertarian society taxes can only be voluntary donations. So you're free to opt out of any of it. Secondly there would be no centralised bureaucracy. Basically if it's shown they are criminals they don't get the right of consent. Such as if someone commits a murder but are not members of any voluntary society or court association they've violated their right to consent by violating anothers, but then they get a fair trial. One can ask "who decides all this" and in fact what decides these factors is the common sense of the voluntary community that forms these associations. It wouldn't make sense to have a court that let off murderers, for example, and the general push would be for an evidence based trial by jury with significant protections against wrongful prosecution. If at any time the court or system becomes corrupt or acts contrary to the will of the people direct democracy comes into play, with members / donors resigning. That private court would have to be held to the standards of the associated members (voluntary!) but depending on where it took place they would have to hold that person in jail and try them publicly on evidence. The people in that region would voluntarily support the private court in their area, and there may be several. Check out They've worked out this stuff to the most incredible detail. Finally there's the fact that in a free society one of the very purposes is that many together come up with ingenious ways of doing things that some bureaucrats of just a few could never do. the private court would be held to members standards, and would itself be liable to suit by other private courts if it was found to be acting corruptly and so on. Whatever the voluntary cost it wouldn't be the 75%+ that we all ultimately pay in these western countries when you add it all up (which is why I got out myself). I'm no expert on all this by any stretch just find it fascinating. What's certain is that the current system of government protected courts and lawyers is absurd and utterly corrupt from top to bottom, even if the participants themselves don't even realise it, so deep is the brainwashing.

  • Will anyone be in London tomorrow (Saturday) for the Thatcher party?

  • lololol def. confiscation of their properties since it is stolen. i dunno abt letting them dealing with ppl direct from the streets... though it made laugh real hard, but i would not want to pay taxes to fund their private courts cases either!!

  • Confiscation of all their money as being gained through fraud deception and other malicious practices.

  • hehe, off to private court for them for the next 20 years while the evidence is presented. If they don't like that we can always let the people deal with them in the street....

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