An in-depth Q&A on the subject of lfrv nutrition.
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  • I'm new to 811 and have lots of questions. But the fact that people have been on this life style for long periods of time without harm makes me suspect that the standard nutritional recommendations may be too stringent since some minerals are less than recommended on it. I've been reading about low methionine and low AGEs for health, which is why I'm investigating 811. Hey, fruit lover, we're almost neighbors! Are you part of the San Diego group too?

  • Hey guys! I was wondering.... for those that get B12 injections, how much do they cost? What are some other options?


  • :) peep my video on this subject,
    also got full blood work done with protien levels confirmed.
    more than enough in fruits n veg :)
  • when ppl ask me that i just feel like saying where do u get ur fibre and antioxidants lol
  • I enjoy learning, and learning how to reassure folks about the safety of a plant based diet (not just safety, but vast superiority) and especially the lfrv diet.
  • This is a good group. There are two kinds of people who always seem to ask that -

    1) the ones who ask while looking like a deer caught in the headlights, they are very concerned for for me and my health. They just don't know any better and think that I'lll fall over one day.

    2) The pro-meat heads and the pro-Atkins people. They might have learned a bit about the 'benefits' of a high protein diet but are really clueless about it. They are usually looking for a debate or reason to be 'right'.

    The hard part for me is having to figure out which category the questioner is in and if I really feel like engaging with them.
  • I really like the idea Anne, thanks! I have been raw without counting anything... so I just got on the cronometer, and thought about following Dr. D's menu plans to see if I felt any differently getting prob much closer to 80/10/10...
  • :)
  • You can thank B for coming up with the name. He has a real talent for that kind of thing!
  • Ahah I love the group's name :D
    I get my protein from fresh water! ;)
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Protein sources (eggs) for children?

Please tell me why eggs are not a good source of protein (besides not being raw vegan).  I know they are disgusting when you think about what they are & where they come from, & I know they can harbor bacteria, & it is not animal friendly, & they are high in cholesterol... but, why specifically would they not be a good source of protein?  I want to be able to explain it to my mom whom, despite being into raw, is still concerned about my kids needing to get enough protein while growing since they…

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Protein - what about it, really?

Here are some of the issue concerning protein that I plan to look into:Quantity: not only do  lfrv's get enough, but also what are the dangers of getting too much? Essential amino acids: I want to look at some of the sources of specific amino acidsNon-essential amino acids: what, if anything, interferes with their production in the body?Absorption: What helps/hinders it? Bio-availability: plant vs animal-based, raw vs cookedSome of these issues are discussed in this thread:…

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