Food: before and during long runs?

Typically before a long run anywhere from 15-20 miles I eat toast with peanut butter before my run and gels during. But as I keep reading FoodnSport and researching the 80.10.10 diet I cant find anything on what to eat before a run. I feel like I need something and I do not know how well taking 6-10 bananas on my run would be. Any suggestions as to what you runners do for long runs?

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  • So, when you are going for a run, your body is using hte glocuse

  • Only bananas and water.

  • I'm still trying to find the secret to everyone's success with 801010 and running. I've run dozens of races on the SAD and never had problems like I've had since beginning 801010 a few months ago. I've recently run 4 half marathons and can't seem to get anywhere near my pre-801010 finish time. It's like my body doesn't want to cooperate with me. I've been experimenting with all sorts of tactics with only marginal success. There seems to be no rhyme or reason behind it so far. I ran a 5K at record pace and then an 8 mile practice run at PR pace. Then, when it came to race day, I felt like the lamest runner ever. This is what keeps happening to me. The vast majority of my runs are bad runs. It feels like my heart rate is too high and I can only go so fast without huffing and puffing and my face turning beet red. I wish I had the answer. I'd do just about anything to get my progress back with running. It's so important to me. I will start training for my third full marathon soon and I'm afraid that I'm going to start hating my life or end up dropping out altogether. Can't see myself dropping out since I've never been a quitter but, needless to say, I'm very nervous. I'm going to keep experimenting with different things and see if I can figure something out over the next couple months. I will definitely need to eat something before and/or during my long runs because I'm a slow runner. It took me 5:10 to finish my last marathon and that was 20 min faster than the previous year. I've tried using gel packs and dates during my longer runs. It's been hit or miss with those. I've experimented with adding more fats the night before and I've even tried the traditional carbing up with a giant pasta meal and that didn't seem to be the answer either. Please let us know if you have any luck. I know I'm not the only one who has struggled with these issues. I just haven't found the answer yet. I have all kinds of theories but only limited time to test them all and, thus far, haven't been able to prove or disprove anything :/
    Best of luck, runner...
    • do you know what your caloric intake is now on any given day as SAD or today?  You said that you were running record paces in training.  That's your problem right there.  You are going to fast in training.    I find that I get really fast on race day from doing lots of training miles at a slow pace.  I had been doing my training runs past month or so between 13 and 15 minute miles yet I did a 9 minute mile in my race (5k).  I know that may not be particularly fast to some but I'm coming off of a broken ankle bone.

    • Actually, Dennis, I've never been much of a calorie counter. I did keep track of my calories on cronometer for the first month of 80/10/10 but stopped using it after that. I have to admit, it was very challenging getting all those calories in every day. I have always been an under-eater. But, as an under-eater on the SAD diet, I never had this problem. 

      I'm still experimenting. So far, my observations have been a bit inconclusive. I was experimenting with adding more fat on the day before a long run but that test failed more than once. One theory that I have is that it's not necessarily what I eat the day before I run, but rather, 2 days before, that makes or breaks a run, especially for a long run. I haven't tested it enough yet, though, to know for sure. My biggest problem is that I would like to shed a few pounds to get down to my optimal racing weight. I think that's working against me because I tend to under-eat throughout the week and then binge on whatever high fat, high calorie food that sounds good to me the night before my long run. That strategy definitely back-fired on my last half marathon. I could tell in the very first mile that my body wasn't going to let me run fast. And that one really good, strong 8-miler that I ran was interesting because I had a moment weakness where I ate like a half a bag of potato chips 2 days before the run and then, the day before, I had pizza (pizza and potato chips have always been my weakness). Anyhow, interesting how that run was so successful after 2 days of eating garbage. Also exploring the possibility that it wasn't necessarily the fact that I had high-fat foods as much as it was that I had enough calories in me. It's just so frustrating because, before I switched to HCRV, I was an under-eater and, as long as I fueled up the night before I ran, I didn't really have any problem getting my body to do what I wanted.

      But, back to your point about training too fast. I usually take it easy on my training runs and save the speed for race day but I was coming off of an IT band injury at the time and really wanted to see what I was capable of before race day. It was so good to know that I still had it in me but so very frustrating that I can't just command my body to do it when I need it to. I just wish I knew what the answer is to getting consistently good runs.

      Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated... I really want to stay on this healthy lifestyle because I know it's what's best for me but I also want to be able to push my body like I used to before 80/10/10 and expect it to cooperate with me.


    • Toni, I am a marathon runner too.  I love the fruit in the day but after running 26 miles I just want FOOD.  Have you had trouble with eating fruit while running?  What do you eat that helps you run your best?

    • I'm still experimenting. So far, my observations have been a bit inconclusive. I was experimenting with adding more fat on the day before a long run but that test failed more than once. One theory that I have is that it's not necessarily what I eat the day before I run, but rather, 2 days before, that makes or breaks a run, especially for a long run. I haven't tested it enough yet, though, to know for sure. My biggest problem is that I would like to shed a few pounds to get down to my optimal racing weight. I think that's working against me because I tend to under-eat throughout the week and then binge on whatever high fat, high calorie food that sounds good to me the night before my long run. That strategy definitely back-fired on my last half marathon. I could tell in the very first mile that my body wasn't going to let me run fast. And that one really good, strong 8-miler that I ran was interesting because I had a moment weakness where I ate like a half a bag of potato chips 2 days before the run and then, the day before, I had pizza (pizza and potato chips have always been my weakness). Anyhow, interesting how that run was so successful after 2 days of eating garbage. Also exploring the possibility that it wasn't necessarily the fact that I had high-fat foods as much as it was that I had enough calories in me. It's just so frustrating because, before I switched to HCRV, I was an under-eater and, as long as I fueled up the night before I ran, I didn't really have any problem getting my body to do what I wanted.

      No, I don't have any problems with eating fruit while running. I usually bring dates with me but I recently ran a 15 miler and, about 4-5 miles into it, my body stopped cooperating and my heart was pounding. That's when I started popping the dates and the water. I think it helped a little but it certainly wasn't any miracle cure for my problem...

      Best of luck to you, Oriana. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me or if you find anything that works for you!

    • Pizza and potato chips: Maybe you lack fats. 10% is recommended.

      I'm 811 for 8 months now and haven't seen the physical benefits others reported so I'm also in the learning process. I try to get enough calories but what I must work on the most is eat more vegetables and getting more fats (I did't think about fat at all before I answer you. There is so much concern about eating too much that I eat none for now). I will try to do that to and see what happens.

      Good luck!!

    • Hi Alexis,

      Thanks! I just got back from a pretty good 12 miler. I felt good the whole time and didn't even bring any dates along. I have been consistently eating lots of high calorie fruits lately. I'm beginning to think I just was under-carbed before... I don't eat any fats either, for the most part. Just an occasional slice of avocado maybe once or twice a week.

    • Cool that's good to know!! How have you been able to eat more? What fruits did you add?

      Your insight would be much appreciated. :)


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