This is a group for people who are alarmed at what they see in the world and want to stand up and speak out, to be the ones that make positive change a reality and thus create a truly loving, peaceful planet.

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  • So zeitgeist was cool, what are some peoples favorite documentaries and or media/ websites for realness?

  • Hi All, Well I am surprised and sorry to see our Mr. Lee seems to have gone. He was very passionate about getting the word out on things he saw as limiting freedoms necessary to even be able to live a HCRV lifestyle.  Well, we'll leave the door unlocked and the light on for him! :)



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  • I'd like Mr.Lee to take over this group. Mr.Lee you've got a lot to say and a lot of passion and a lot of research invested, so have at it man! Invite whoever you like and let me know if you have any problems with it! :)

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What are your thoughts on the recent Bostom Bombing?

In light of recent events, what are your thoughts? In the MSM I haven't seen a lot of applying this to current political debate, doesn't mean it's not happening, I just haven't seen it yet.If you think it is a false flag operation, aside from the "because they always" type of arguments (you can use those too if you need to) that always seem to follow this sort of thing, what do you think the endgame is? I have seen lots of arguable evidences posted, but trying our best to piece together…

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Monsanto Protection Law - They know not what they do

I think we need to not live in red alert all the time. I don't think it is healthy, but I do think we need to be vigilant and try to show people the truth about food, to strive for a more loving and just planet/society. In this instance, I think we need to speak to our representatives, to let them know what many other countries already know, that we cannot give BioTech companies free reign with our food. They are motivated by profit NOT our well being and in the case of food, the consequences…

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How do you keep balanced?

Sometimes in our tospy-turvy world, life can seem to get really incongruent with the sort of peaceful, open vibe so often associated with eating cleanly. It's pretty amazing what cleaning up the diet can do, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and even spiritually.How do you all choose to engage the world in a way that is effective and yet does not bring you down to a low vibration, or feeling negative, combative, on red alert all the time?Or do you think it is necessary to keep the…

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