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  • Hello Jackie, I am the ex-meat eating boyfriend Nicole was talking about :)

    My advice to you is that if you really care about him as a person and as your fiancee, then come from a factual honest stand point. Do some research about long tern effects of this diet and also his! do some comparisons, be factual, bring up studies. She can dispute feelings and emotions and cravings, but he cant dispute scientific facts and studies.The China Study is a great book on animal products and cancer related issues. I know the whole "Do what makes you happy" argument, and its a bunch of bolonga.. Your mind is different then your body, your mind may be happy eating ice cream and cookies, but your body is hating every second of it.

    Be honest with him, that is what Nicole did to me! I got very stubborn and hard headed at first, getting very defensive about my diet, but I realized that she was right!

    She really opened my eyes to new things and thought me to be open to new things. If you are honest and genuine with him and he really respects you, then he will listen and take it to heart. Show that you care about him and his body, but ultimately, the choice is his. He has to change his heart and mind about his lifestyle but you can tooootaly help in changing that :)

    Best of luck to you Jackie, hope all goes well

  • Hi Jackie,

     I was wondering if you know of any good Co-ops in the area or places to get large amounts of produce for cheaper? Thanks so much!

  • It's so great to meet you!! I would love to organize a fruitluck sometime soon

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