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  • I totally would but ill be in kelowna that weekend.. funny though because I'm hosting a fruit luck that exact same day!!! We will send you fruity vibes from the okanagan ☮ ✿ 

  • Hey! Thanks for the invite! I think I work saturday sadly but ill double check my schedule. I'll save your number in my phone and give u a text so u have mine too. :) hopefully ill be able to come if not this fruitluck hopefully the next one :):)

  • Thanks LJ. Sorry, I'm going to have to pass on the Facebook group. I just don't do Facebook. I'll just keep checking back on this site. If I see an upcoming fruitluck in Van that I can be there for, I'll contact the organizer.


  • Thanks. I'm not yet. Can you send me a link?

  • Totally!!!! So up for it!!!
  • i'm in vancouver right now!!! so what's up?

  • hi Lj, thanks for your comment!

    It isn´t my cat, it´s a friend´s cat. I don´t know if you recognize all the orbs (the light balls) in this picture? We thought that the cat got crazy because of them.

    I love your videos, you are an inspiration!

  • love your channel :-)

  • feliz año nuevo jacky JAY EL FRUITO!

  • Lol!  Cheers! :)

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