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  • Hi Courtney

    Join the Boston Low Fat Raw Vegan group.  We organize fruit lucks:

  • Hi Courtney, I have started the exercises and have some more questions that I don't want posted on the wall here. Would you be open to emailing me? If so my email addy is If you are uncomfortable with that I understand, regardless that you so very very much for the help you have given me in getting started.
  • Wow, thanks Courtney, you are a wealth of information. The areas I want to target hard at the moment are the flabby neck and jowl lines. But in reality all muscles of the face need exercising. Flexeffect is a bit out of my budget at the moment, but I might get the 2nd edition version. Seems Deb is a bit more aggressive with pulling on muscles that the others.

    I found the no Lipo-Lipo interesting on Carole Maggios site, is that just aggressive skin brushing? Or perhaps it is like another link I saw on 30bad where a woman rids herself of extra stomach skin through massage.

  • Hi Courtney,

    Was wondering which exercises you would recommend for toning the face. There are tons out there on you tube and it gets confusing. I was looking to start with maybe one or two exercises per area. By area, I mean the neck/chin, the jaw line, eye lift, etc.

    I can get a free online class from Learning Annex that features Cynthia Rowland by doing a free two week trial.

    If you have a recommendation I'd appreciate it. THanks, Noa
  • hey courtney! you might consider the NCI's Cancer Prevention fellowship. It is for MDs and PhDs to go back and get their MPH (school of choice), and then do a fellowship at the NCI to conduct epidemiologic research.
  • hey,
    you should go to Adams page, discussions he participated in and there you go. I found it, but I dont remember which discussion it was.
  • Thanks Courtney! We will definitely keep the discussion alive. Will be easy when dealing with a subject that has no last word, lol. Even if we thought we'd found one, I doubt Denise would allow it, haha. Like you, she's clever enough to prevent any jumping to conclusions. I'm really lucky to have the two of you as filters. However, if and when I become secure enough in a position - not yet sure what it would be, lol - I want to publish an article, maybe more. As a mere journalist, though, I will need ample science to back unusual conjectures, including prepublication review by authorities in the field. Who knows, maybe, considering our similar view, we'll end up co-writing the piece. You would be the perfect assistant. There certainly seems room for increased clarity on the topic. As chance would have it, insight from our unorthodox diet perhaps positions us well to contribute some, don't you think? Rhetorical question, haha...
  • Hey Courtney! Nice post on the ancestor diet thread. Thanks for ferreting out that info on spider monkeys. That's intriquing stuff. I agree with your assessment. It's the sort of connection I've been making as well. I have some similar info associating chimp smarts with fruit habits to present as well as different data on digestion and brain performance. I've conducted an interview and am awaiting one other piece of material. For now just wanted to compliment you on your fine work. Keep eating a lot of fruit. It's made you very smart!
  • Thanks for the compliments and encouragement. Glad you have enjoyed my posts. Hope you can participate more. Do you just have a busy work schedule?
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