Frugivore Freelee's Discussions (238)

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Off topic - Mac or PC?

I know this topic isn't raw but I Would appreciate my computer-savy raw families view on this..... Im looking at getting an Apple Mac Notebook.....does anyone want to sell theirs? I had a look at a Mac Air and it only weighs 1.3kg so its great for

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Parrots on Prozac?!?!!?

Oh dear just flicked on the plasma bulls#*t box at my current house sit...just in time to hear the 'animal doctor' explaining why this ladies parrot was plucking its own feathers out.... Went something like this.... "Your parrot is frustrated and l

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The benefits of exercise....

- Improved self esteem - Better looking - Less fat, more muscle - Endurance - Ready for any of lifes physical challenges - Sweat! - More attractive to opposite sex, so more sex ;-P - Glowing from within - Improved co-ordination & skill levels - A mor

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What are you reading??...

Im usually reading about 5 books at the time but at the moment my favourite is 'The Artists Way' by Julia Cameron. Its really amazing read about activating the creativity within. The description is 'A course in discovering and recovering your creativ

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Answers to Fitness questions....

Hey everyone, Having been a personal trainer for years and a rawfood coach I regularly have people compliment me on my health & fitness then ask me how to lose fat, get fitter, more flexible etc, so please feel free to post your questions here & I wi

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