sun posted a discussion
May 8, 2013

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  • Yes   and those on the mainland have a giant array of a wide variety of mangoes in Florida!! (if you are not in Hawaii)..Then there is central america in general

    Cuba is loaded with them....

  • Thank you for the beautyful Mango pictures, mango trees are wonderful

  • Great views on B12 ....... I think its a real double standard when the "superfood bashers" stick needles in themselves ....... go eat a mushroom

  • Your pictures make me sooooooooooooo hungry!!!!

  • Love your pics!  So beautiful!

  • Hi, I need to move to a warm, sunny place with loads of nutritious fruits and coconuts to strengthen my health. I search for a raw person/family/community in HI to house and support me. Can you help me please?

  • Hi Sun,

    I'm Michael, living in the European Hawaii: canary islands and i work together with in a team with a ecovillage project and i'm pasionated about planting and sharing varieties of fruits so people discover the big range of differents fruits our mami earth is offering us.
    I saw you pation about fruit trees and all the kind of fruits you have there. Could you send us seeds of what you eat so we could plant them and share them here?
    We are especially interested in jackfruit, champedac, egg fruit, mamey, rollinia, durian and any more.
    Here our list of what we have:
    avocados, mangos, kakis, chirimoyas, macadamias, almends, figs,star fruit, guavas, strawberry guavas, pitangas, roseapples, tamarillo, white sapotes, noni.

    Here our webpage in spanish to know more about us and see nice video:
    And here our adress in case you enjoy to send us a packet:
    Michael Gasber
    Camino la Ladera 13
    38470 Los Silos - Tenerife - Spain

    Thank you

  • Aloha Sun,

    thanks for reply, I have answered through your fb page.

    Love and Peace.


  • :D 

    Again.. Thanks for the awesome photos!!

  • i like very much your photos ... and a like very much hawaii too ...
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