Frugivore Freelee's Discussions (238)

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Parrots on Prozac?!?!!?

Oh dear just flicked on the plasma bulls#*t box at my current house sit...just in time to hear the 'animal doctor' explaining why this ladies parrot was plucking its own feathers out.... Went something like this.... "Your parrot is frustrated and l

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Answers to Fitness questions....

Hey everyone, Having been a personal trainer for years and a rawfood coach I regularly have people compliment me on my health & fitness then ask me how to lose fat, get fitter, more flexible etc, so please feel free to post your questions here & I wi

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Universal Housesitting...

How cool would this be? Creating a network here that connects people & especially rawries to housesits all over the world and in your neighbourhood....imagine how much money you would say on rent?! This is how Durianrider and I live and we save heaps

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